Peer Review Services
Selecting a firm to conduct your review is critical to ensure the entire process improves your quality control policies and procedures. With our unparalleled reputation for excellence, as well as our depth and breadth of experience, Frankel is the right firm to serve as your next peer review team. Our peer review services will give you the opportunity to see how your firm measures up to other firms, learn from other firms’ best practices and add a valuable selling point to your marketing efforts.
As independent reviewers, we will assess your firm’s compliance with professional standards and identify areas where improvements can be made. We will provide assurance that your accounting and auditing services meet the high standards set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Our Services
Our professionals will work with your firm to evaluate your quality control system, as well as a few engagements performed by your firm. Our experience in ensuring quality in our assurance services, as well as performing numerous reviews each year, increases our ability to provide an objective evaluation, and provide the necessary guidance to ensure your firm’s success. We strive to develop a relationship with all our peer review clients to improve and maintain the highest level of audit quality required in our demanding profession.
Services Provided
- System reviews
- Engagement reviews
- Internal inspection
- Quality control reviews
Our Experience
- Audits, reviews and compilations
- Attestation engagements
- Audits under Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book) and the Uniform Guidance
- Audits of employee benefit plans
- Not-for-profit organizations
- Construction, manufacturing, distribution and many other specialized industries
Our Memberships
- American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)
- AICPA Private Companies Practice Section
- AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
- AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center
- Nebraska Society of CPAs
- CPAmerica, Inc.
Contact Us
We help individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions and achieve their goals. Choose Frankel for peace of mind and financial success.